2nd thru 4th grade-Family Connections

supporting and equiping families to know, grow and show God's love

God is faithful

Everyone has ups and downs…and sometimes those ups and downs don’t make very much sense.  Our children often wonder about bad things happen to good people.  Thankfully our God is great and He is good and can handle those questions.

This weekend we are going to hear about God’s faithfulness to us in ALL circumstances through the story of Joseph.  When Joseph went through horrible circumstances God remained faithful to the calling that He had on Joseph’s life and Joseph trusted God.  One of the things that we are going to stress with the kids this weekend is that Joseph had taken the time to know God so it was easier to trust Him when Joseph’s circumstances didn’t make sense.  We can do that too!  We can be in His Word, pray and share stories of God’s faithfulness with one another.  These things will equip us with truth for the day that tough things happen.

I read a great blog this week that you may appreciate as a resource: Why bad things happen to good people.

Family Activity:

Pick up a large and a small stone, and with your child, take turns dropping the objects. Ask your child which stone hits the ground first. (The child may expect the heavier stone to fall faster.) Explain that a force called “gravity” pulls objects to the earth. Gravity is totally dependable, or faithful, to do its job 100 percent of the time.

Ask your child to name other things in nature that are dependable. (Seasons change at the same time each year; tides rise and fall on schedule; stars are arranged in the same patterns in the night sky; the moon goes through the same phases each month.) Then remind him that, like gravity, God’s promises are for sure (Psalm 145:13).

People may not always keep their promises, but God always will. We can depend on God to do what He says He will do.

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