2nd thru 4th grade-Family Connections

supporting and equiping families to know, grow and show God's love

God Dwells with His People (Exodus 25-40)

on October 27, 2014

TS_1-10_6_TabernacleRemember Verse: “With a mighty hand and outstretched arm; His love endures forever.” Psalm 136:12

Missions Focus: Share a Pair
For November Ridge Kids will be collecting all sizes of tennis shoes, either new or in great condition, for the children of Honduras.  For more information, please contact Lexie Dykstra and Lexi Gordon at LEX.HELPS.HONDURAS@GMAIL.COM.

The Big God Story: This coming weekend your children will learn about the building of the Tabernacle.  This was a special place that God’s Spirit could come and dwell with the Israelites.  God gave very specific instructions for this structure, how it was to be built, who was to care for it, how to present sacrifices etc.  You see, the traditions of the day were to pray and worship idols.  It was considered very weird to worship a God that couldn’t be seen, that is why the Israelites turned, so easily, back to idolatry over and over!  I think that is why God had them build the tabernacle, because it gave them something to see so they wouldn’t be tempted to turn to idols as much, but this is only my opinion!  Plus by making it Holy our loving God, who was so grieved that humanity was separated from Himself, could come and “dwell” among us!

Eventually God would send Jesus to pay the price for our sins, and after he rose again and ascended into Heaven, the Holy Spirit was sent to “dwell” in us.  The body of every person who accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior becomes a living tabernacle!  GOD DWELLS IN US!  WOW!

This week take time to read Exodus 25-30, then discuss the story as a family, there are questions below to help with the conversation.  Then discuss 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”  How can each of you honor God in this way?

May you know that God always dwells with you, no matter where you go. May you sense Him with you every day this week.  Miss Melissa

Here are some questions from TRU that you can ask them to spur conversation!!! For more information and other Parenting Resources , click here for Ridge Kids Parent Page.

  • What is a tabernacle?
  • Why did God want His people to build a tabernacle? Exodus 25:8
  • What was kept inside of the ark of the covenant? Exodus 25:16
  • What happened when the tabernacle was finished? Exodus 40:34
  • How did the Israelites know when to move camp? Exodus 40:36–38
  • What do you think it would be like to follow God—to actually see His presence moving?
  • How is God closer to us than He was to the Israelites?
  • How does God dwell with us today?

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